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What is self-enhancement ? Describe the techniques of self-enhancement.

 Self-enhancement is like putting on rose-colored glasses to view oneself in a more positive light. It's a common tendency for individuals to seek out and emphasize positive qualities about themselves while downplaying or ignoring negative aspects. Self-enhancement can boost self-esteem, protect self-image, and promote psychological well-being, but it can also lead to biases and distortions in self-perception. Let's explore some techniques of self-enhancement:

1. **Self-Comparison:** One way people enhance their self-esteem is by comparing themselves favorably to others who are less fortunate or successful. It's like saying, "Well, at least I'm not as bad as that person." This downward social comparison helps individuals feel better about themselves by highlighting their relative advantages or accomplishments.

2. **Self-Attribution:** Self-enhancement can involve attributing successes to internal factors, such as ability or effort, while attributing failures to external factors, such as bad luck or situational factors. It's like taking credit for your achievements but blaming outside forces for your failures. This self-serving bias protects self-esteem by preserving a positive self-image.

3. **Selective Attention and Memory:** People tend to pay more attention to positive information about themselves while minimizing or forgetting negative feedback. It's like focusing on the compliments you receive and brushing off the criticisms. This selective attention and memory bias help maintain self-esteem by reinforcing positive self-beliefs and ignoring contradicting evidence.

4. **Self-Presentation:** Self-enhancement can involve strategic self-presentation to create a favorable impression on others. It's like putting your best foot forward during a job interview or a first date. Techniques such as self-promotion, ingratiation, and modesty can be used to enhance one's image and elicit positive reactions from others.

5. **Social Comparison:** Engaging in upward social comparison with others who are more successful or accomplished can motivate individuals to strive for self-improvement. It's like looking up to role models or mentors who inspire you to reach higher goals. Although upward social comparison may temporarily deflate self-esteem, it can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation in the long run.

6. **Positive Self-Feedback:** Providing oneself with positive affirmations and self-praise can boost self-esteem and self-confidence. It's like giving yourself a pep talk before a big presentation or performance. By reinforcing positive self-beliefs and encouraging self-affirmation, individuals can cultivate a resilient and positive self-image.

7. **Social Validation:** Seeking validation and approval from others through social media, peer feedback, or external sources can enhance self-esteem. It's like posting flattering photos on Instagram and waiting for likes and comments to roll in. However, relying too heavily on external validation can make individuals vulnerable to fluctuations in self-esteem based on others' opinions.

While self-enhancement can serve adaptive functions by protecting self-esteem and promoting psychological well-being, it's essential to maintain a balanced and realistic view of oneself. Excessive self-enhancement can lead to narcissism, overconfidence, and disconnection from reality. Embracing humility, self-awareness, and genuine self-improvement can help individuals navigate the complexities of self-enhancement in a healthy and authentic way.

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